Viewing Grant Proposal: Ypsilanti Performance Space_Solar EV Charging Stations
We plan to install four Beam EV ARC solar-powered charging systems in the City of Ypsilanti to provide
more solar-powered EV charging stations for public use. The YPSI, centrally located in the City of
Ypsilanti, has one of the largest rooftop solar installations in the city. Since 2018, it has powered the
only public EV chargers in the city with two Level-2 chargers. By installing these new charging stations,
we can provide eight additional Level-2 charging stations in the parking lot of The YPSI for public use.
Comment Date: | Comment: |
4/12/2024 8:02:32 PM |
As a City of Ypsilanti resident I fully support this proposal. We are a community that embraces positive change and care deeply about each other and our environment. Have the opportunity for clean energy charging stations goes well with our community values and links our automotive heritage with the technology for the future.
4/12/2024 9:05:31 PM |
I strongly support this project as it will be tremendously beneficial for the community.
4/12/2024 10:00:33 PM |
I support this